Our work continues because of you manoj, THANK YOU. We called to your spirit of generosity on Giving Tuesday, and you delivered! The benevolence we saw yesterday is a testament to the grassroots support that has powered our work at Friends of the Everglades since our founding by Marjory Stoneman Douglas in 1969. Each donation is a statement that you believe in the power of collective action, and every dollar allows us to work together towards a collective vision. Florida's environment continues to face many challenges, but with your help we're working to make sure the Everglades endures for years to come. For that, we thank you. And a special thanks to Patagonia is in order for making it easier on everyone by footing the bill for transaction fees. If you didn't get a chance to give back on Giving Tuesday, you can give now until December 31 to support our year-end giving campaign. Just click the button below. DONATE NOW ...